Come join us for our ribbon-cutting and inaugural exhibition. On display will be a selection of works from Musée du Al’s private collection plus current works from Les Amis d’Al. The private collection includes artwork collected by Marc Kreisel during his time as proprietor of Al’s Bar. Many are gifts from artists he knew then and whose work he exhibited at the American Gallery.
IMPORTANT: Please sign the guestbook here to receive the Musée’s address and parking information.
Artists: Joseph Beuys, John Valadez, Dede Bazyk, Kenzi Shiokava, Allen Ruppersberg, Paul Dillon, Gary Lloyd, Moire Sheen, Brad Wong, Marc Kreisel, Kevin Walker, Richard Kessler, Colleen Sterrit, Ron Linden, Jack Barth, Katy Crowe, Joe Potts and more.
Joseph Beuys – Food for Thought, Typewriter and oilstain on paper,
34.25” x 6.25”
John Valadez – Clavo, Pastel and chalk on paper, 50” x 38”
Colleen Sterrit – Shake, Acrylic on paper, 4.5” x 3”
Dede Bazyk – Untitled, Photo process on plywood, 4’ x 4’
Gary Lloydl – Meathammer, Watercolor on paper, 10” x 14"”
Kevin Walker — Airlock, Ink on Gatorboard, 32” x 57”
Kenzi Shiokava – Untitled,
Mixed media assemblage,
9” x 7.75” x 3.5”